Arise Church is a church that believes in Biblical Truth, Authentic Relationships, & Serving Others

Our Core Values

Community - Life is better experienced together rather than alone. Through meaningful relationships, we can find connection, protection, and discipleship.

Commitment - We value commitment in regular attendance, generous giving, and consistent, dedicated involvement.

Relevance - We value ministry that is current, helpful in life, socially significant, and age-relevant, focusing on the interests and needs of people.

Kindness - We value kindness through a heart of compassion, reflecting our heavenly Father's character to everyone we come into contact with.

Excellence - We value excellence in life and ministry as the only attitude that honors God. We always want to give our best effort.

Spiritually Dependant - The church is more than an organization; we are the body of Christ. Therefore, we strive to surrender to the Holy Spirit's leading in everything we do.

Team - We value teamwork that promotes a shared purpose expressed by people of diverse social, economic, and cultural strata, connected as the family of God.

Generosity - God is generous beyond measure, most notably expressed through the giving of His only Son, Jesus, for the race of humanity. We desire to follow His example by being generous with our time, finances, giftings, and love.

Leadership - We value equipping people to lead, succeed, and increase their influence within our church and community.

Fun - We value a vibrant, festive, exciting church atmosphere that exudes a life-giving spirit through passionate praise.

Wisdom - We value the pursuit of wisdom through God's Word, which directs us to a principle-focused, balanced, and successful life.

Want To Learn More About Us?

  • Building Project

    Check out the current status of the future home of Arise Church.

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  • Sermons

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